The US presidential elections cast their shadows before – many proud citizens of the United States of America are very critical on both of the candidates.

„If Trump becomes president, I am going to emigrate!!“ – that is what a lot of Americans are thinking. In this case, Germany seems to be a fetching alternative for emigrants and job seekers from the US. Many international companies, a buzzing economy and cosmopolitan society are just three of the many good prospects the country has to offer.

However, leaving the USA and starting a new life and looking for a job Germany is not an easy task and should definitely be planned ahead. Here are 5 useful tips for you that will guarantee you a good start:


If you have decided to take the big step and emigrate to Germany the first and probably most important thing you have to do is to plan your emigration ahead. At the best, you start planning six to twelve months in advance. There are a lot of things you need to consider in your emigration plan. For example, you need a residence permit, this will be a lot easier if you are already have a job in Germany (see tip #4 for fetails). Moreover, you need a place to stay as well as check if you need any licensing exams or degrees for your move. Insurance and bank details are also important things you should check and clarify before you book your flight to Germany.


Living in Germany, of course depending on your lifestyle, is not cheap. You will definitely need some savings, especially if you were not able to get a job in Germany in advance. Apart from your rent, food, utilities etc. you should consider that you will also have to pay taxes and a health insurance. In particular, the health insurance is a very expensive aspect of living in Germany. But don’t worry too much, after working a few years in Germany you will have access to the full socialist rewards of the German social system – and that’s definitely worth it.


Before emigrating to Germany, make sure to look and even apply for jobs in Germany in advance. Having a job will make your start in Germany a lot easier, not only financially but also in terms of your residence permit. When you finished your research and found some job vacancies in Germany that you would like to apply to, there are some aspects in the German application system you need to consider:

The German application consists of cover sheet, cover letter, CV and attachments (certificates). The cover letter is usually about one page long. In Germany a photo is not required but nevertheless very welcome and common in applications. Unlike the applications in the US, applications in Germany do not contain reference persons but rather a reference description. It is very common in Germany to get a kind of reference certificate after finishing a job. A good idea when applying in Germany is to ask your US employer to write you a document which basically displays what he would refer to as a reference person in your application.

If you need help or support with your application for a job in Germany, there are some application services like is an online service provider located in Düsseldorf that specializes in the production of professional application documents. They create your cover letters for individual jobs, as well as for unsolicited applications. Professional writers, who stand out due to their experience in, for example, human resource departments of large, international businesses and their careers with renowned companies, are going to make the best of your individual application.


Yes, most of the people living in Germany are able to understand and speak English – but nevertheless, you should learn German (especially if you want a job in Germany). Of course, German is not an easy language and it will probably take you years to speak the language fluently. This is why it is a very good idea to start learning German before moving to Germany. Apps like “Babbel” or “Duolingo” are easy to understand and help and support you in your learning process. Another good idea is the “Goethe Institut”, which is cultural institute promoting the study of German abroad as well as the international cultural exchange. When you take one of their language courses you are most likely to learn the language very efficiently and afterwards get a valid certificate, which is highly-reputed all over Germany.


Every country, every culture is different. When you are moving abroad, it is very important to get familiar with some cultural aspects in advance.

It’s not all about beer and bratwurst in Germany – especially in terms of work and professional life the Germans are very structured and most of the typical stereotypes like punctuality, efficiency etc. are true. However, the Germans are very openminded and sociable – when you have a job in Germany it is not unlikely to have an “Feierabendbier” (afterwork-beer) with colleagues, even during the week.

No matter how the presedential election 2016 comes to an end – it is always useful to consider the options. Even thugh it takes a lot of input and organization, emigrating to Germany is certainly a good idea when the event takes place and the US becomes „Trumpland“. So be prepared, take the tips mentioned above in acount and pack your bags!

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